
Monday, June 25, 2012

Community Get Together

Once a month our Church hosts an event in our Hall that is for the people of Tirau.
It started nearly 21 years ago on a Tuesday afternoon where some of the older members of the town would come along and play cards, board games and pool as there was nowhere for them to meet and do this. Young Mums with their preschoolers would came too and we would provide a cuppa and some home baking to eat at a small donation.

But over the years this has changed from one form to another activity. We have had crafts, times for chats, jumble sales, clothing exchange, garage sales, free items, singers to preform and children's activities. It has also changed places from Tirau to Putaruru and back again and different days of the week.

Now it is held on the fourth Saturday of the month and has a few sales tables as we sponsor a child overseas. We also have a free morning tea running most of the morning and people are invited to have their own sales tables to raise funds for themselves, but if they make a good amount of money we appreciate a little payment for the privilege but its not demanded. We have also changed it back for people to play games and have time for chatting and fellowship. We have always had a little slot of about five minutes where someone shares a little about God to speak out to those who may want to know of His love.

I started going when it first started with my then new born son who will also be turning 21 this year. I was able to go until I started working part time once my last child started school. Once I started working in our Church office I was able to pop in for a bit of a chat during the morning but now it is run on a Saturday I can commit to the whole morning.

This year I am working in the kitchen to keep the hot drinks and food coming and have a helper to do the dishes as well.

It is such an eye opener as to how others cope, act, their needs and talents. We have been on the receiving end of funds raised for school trips, petrol vouchers to travel to a funeral, but have also given items for sale, baking and bought items at times - a complete illustration of who it all works and showing how the community get together - hence its name.

Luke 6:38
38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

 (All scripture is from New International Version 1984)

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