
Monday, May 27, 2013


I collected the mail today and there was just one letter, a request for money. It seems these days I can get up to one a day from various organizations asking for donations for one thing or another. I have my favourites that I do give to through the year, but at times I do wonder how much of my donation is being actually given to the cause or whether it is just used to ask for more money!!

I was feeling a bit low as "stuff" has been going on in our lives. On Saturday we were with others as they buried a lovely man who had died from cancer. On the way there we were very close to arriving on a scene as it happened of a horrific accident (well it wasn't really an accident as she had been kidnapped) and we could see some of the horror of it as locals were redirecting us. I had taken today off work as I am sort of trying to get over an issue that involved a truck and my car while I was driving it a month ago. Harry and I are still sort of coming to terms with the "ENS" (empty nest syndrome) as he now calls it. I know that was a few months ago but its actually still taking us a bit of time to get used to it after having children in the home for over thirty two years.

So today after popping into town to do a few errands I thought I would check the mail - I had forgotten to do so before hand. I could tell it was a request of some sort as the envelope was bulky and that usually means a letter of request and free post envelope enclosed.

On opening it there was a lot of 'stuff' from the Starship Foundation. I was thinking of just throwing this lot away
when I noticed a book mark. It photos of four children who had obviously bee treated at Starship but on the other side it had this quote:

"The soul is healed by being with children."
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

It was such an inspiration to me as I thought "yes, that is true".
You see I had spent the morning before the funeral at our youngest grandson's first birthday and so that meant I was seeing all the grandchildren and three of our own children (although they are all adults) but it certainly made the morning great. To be greeted with "Nana!" and having the grandchildren run up for a hug does wonders to the soul and so it carries on through the day.

And what is more it made me realise that it will happen again tomorrow as I go to babysit another one of the grandchildren tomorrow.

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