
Monday, May 20, 2013

Grandma’s Cornflake Biscuits

Both my grandmothers were homemakers with baking, preserving and cooking as just part of everyday life. I used to watch them in the kitchen not realising that they were implanting a love of food and homemaking in my heart. I still have some of their recipes and this one was my paternal Grandmothers. I remember helping her to roll the biscuit dough in the cornflakes before she placed them on the baking tray. I probably flatten my biscuits a little more than she did so you could probably bake them more like a rock cake (ball type) biscuit.

125gr butter
125gr sugar
1 egg
1 tsp almond essence
175gr self-raising flour
1 cup cornflakes

1 - 2 extra cups of cornflakes

Cream the softened but not melted butter and sugar until creamy.
Add the egg and essence and beat well.
Add the flour and beat then stir in the cornflakes so as not to crush them too much.
Take teaspoon fills and roll them into balls dropping them into the extra cornflakes.
Flatten in your palm and place on a baking paper lined or greased tray.
(You could put them whole on the tray as mentioned above.)
Bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 180°C until just turning a light brown.
Allow to cool on the trays for at least ten minutes before you move them to a cooling rack.

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