
Sunday, November 25, 2018

60th Birthday - Part Two

The day of my birthday was a bit of a quiet affair after the night before with the Blessings of the Birthday Party put on by Church Family . I got some goodies from friends and some contact from most of my family through phone calls, txts, facebook, cards and a visit or two at work. I'd also had flowers delivered from my eldest daughter in Wellington.

The day was quiet but I decided I wasn't going to cook tea for myself so we bought some Chinese take-away's and went out to our third daughters home. We shared the meal over a glass of wine and just fun being with family.  I even got to sit quietly and do some colouring in. There I got a few more lovely gifts.

During the week I was taken out for lunch by other friends and presented with a lovely plant from the ladies who run our Mainly Music programme at church. Its every Thursday and I often help out in little ways.

Harry and some of the girls put together and I got a new watch. I had lost an old scratched one I got from Avon many years ago. It had had many numerous types of straps but somehow it just needed a new battery now and againbut kept going. Sometime ago it had just disappeared. I know people use their phones to keep track of the time but I don't have mine attached to me so I prefer having a watch.

So by the end of that week I was simply swamped by gifts, cards, flowers and just feeling totally spoiled.
Two weeks later I headed down to Wellington to spend some time with my parents where I give my Dad a bit of a break, help clean and spend some time with two of my Grandchildren. Our yougest has just turned one so it was important to see him and we had a cake and a bit of a party for him at my parents. But no
It wasn't just for him. I had another birthday cake that Theresa had made and the afternoon tea was a lot more than just cake and fruit, none of which I had to organise.
The candles were in an "F" shape

Another time of being spoilt by those who love me.

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