
Saturday, November 24, 2018

60th Birthday - Part One

Now I wouldn't normally tell people how old I am but this birthday I turned 60 and received some lovely gifts and some wonderful things said about me so I  wanted to just share.

When someone had a "significant" number birthday we tend to make a fuss for people but I didn't know what would happen and I didn't really want to organize anything myself. I mean what if no-body came!

As I had heard various snippets of information from family and friends I just left it to who ever was doing something presuming if I needed to know they would tell me, and waited to see what was going to happen.

I had been contacted by my friend Frances who asked me if I was doing anything or if anyone else had something planned for me over the weekend before and to keep the Sunday night free - the day before my birthday.

A few days before 'the day' I received an invitation to their home. (Left - but I have removed their address for privacy)

I dressed nicely (I love to wear dresses and get dressed up - and who doesn't love any excuse for a good party) and Harry and I arrived to a house full of Church family friends. I don't know how much Harry knew before hand but I am sure he was in on it as well.

Frances had set up her beautiful new home with a wonderful array of decorations, flowers and platters of snacks especially for me. (well for everyone but it was my party!)

When we arrived we were given a glass of drinks and mingled with everyone.

All those invited had brought along a plate of something for a main course and a dessert to share (Its called a pot-luck meal in New Zealand). There was a huge amount of delicious food to choose from.

After the first course I was called up in front of everyone and presented with some beautiful flowers.

Then I was told that they had all put together for a gift voucher. When I was given it I was asked to read it out to every one. Opening it up I read out loud that it was a voucher to stay at a friends cottage down by Lake Taupo. Now I thought that was a little bit odd as I had already been told by the these friends of all of us, that we could stay anytime we liked. I graciously thanked them all, though secretly finding it a bit strange as I didn't realize it was such a cost to stay at this friends place as they had told me it was nothing posh. But hey it was official now and I had the voucher to prove it.

I was then handed another smaller voucher which ended up being a large amount on a card for the purchase of petrol to get us there. Well that was very nice.

But then I was given another voucher and asked to read that one out. As I opened it I saw the "Chateau Tongariro Hotel" at the top and being overcome and trying not to cry, I read out all that the voucher entitled Harry and I to as the Chateau Celebration package.

All these wonderful people had put together and bought me an over night stay at this lovely old hotel with all the luxury it offers as a gift for Harry and me.

And to make me feel a bit more uncomfortable some of them then proceeded to tell nice things about me. Now this is a bit odd to type this but they said things about what I do with my job for the church, its people and others, how dedicated I was and how and what good they see in me. By this stage I am trying really hard not to cry. Some would finish with a hug and/or kiss.

But you know ... when someone dies we all remember the good about them and share it with others at the funeral. But that person may not have ever heard those wonderful words spoken to them. People may not have taken the time to tell them, but I did and I actually think this is better as I get to hear it all now and it really makes you swell with happiness.

As I responded with such thanks I told everyone I am privileged to work in the church office because not only am I doing a job I really love but I am sort of really working for God in this capacity. I know we all work for Him in all we do but I suppose you could say that I get paid for working for Him. Now I know that is a bit snobby I suppose, but I feel like its a real blessing to have this job and so I do it to the best of my ability.  And in doing that I am then told by others (like at this birthday party) how thankful they are for all I do. So its a bit of a win win situation!

Even Harry shared about the time we were coming home late from Hamilton and I saw the lights had been left on in the church so I told Harry we had to go and see why. When we left Hamilton there had been a police check point to stop drunk drivers and there was another right outside our church. ... so even if it meant being stopped for the second time that night we had to have a look. (No he hadn't been drinking).

I just care for God and all that is His.

And then it was time for cake.

Now we are blessed to have a talented lady, Natasha, come to our church and she can make the most amazing cakes. This cake was two layers, carrot at the bottom (my favourite) and banana at the top. It was covered in butter cream icing with strawberry's and candy covered raspberry liquorice balls.

She had printed off a picture from a fancy dress party (another friends 60th) that we had been to a while ago, in edible ink and it was 'framed'. The frame had its own stand to hold it up and was made out of coloured white chocolate. This was on the top, all of which was edible!

So once it was cut we all ate some and had dessert as well.

Suffice to say we were all very well fed!

Others also gave me gifts and lots of cards so by the time we were ready to go home the car was loaded with goodies.

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