
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

One of My Inspirations

Today being the last days of spring with summer just around the corner New Zealand has experienced a cold snap with snow in the South Island and today we had thunder and rain and its certainly gone cold again!

We had been scheduled to go to Matamata to an appointment but were rung this morning to have it changed to later this week, but we needed a few things urgently so went anyway. One thing I was wanting to pick up was the latest edition of a new magazine I have fallen in love with. Its a little treat about 8 times a year that I get for myself.

Daphne’s Diary is a simply lovely magazine full of fun things like crafts, recipes, hobbies, hints, patterns, free stickers, cards and booklets etc. And the illustrations are all water painted – just enchanting.

Daphne (yes she is a real person) is married with two children and has created this magazine from her diary about her own life and experiences. She lives in the Netherlands

As I flicked through and read things that caught my eye at first glance, I was encouraged in her sharing all that is normal and natural for her and I thought that’s a bit like what this blog is about.
I also read a couple of other blogs and peoples Instagram’s and realized I read them to keep up with people’s lives, especially if they live overseas and I can’t just pop around to see them.

My phrase at the top is “Something about nothing and everything God sends me." This blog too is just things that happen and are of interest to me and almost magazine form in pixels.
A few people have inquired as to whether I still write it and I know a couple of others like to read it to keep up with what is happening in my life as they are not on facebook (not that I put a lot on facebook.)

So I am inspired to spend more time posting things for you to read (or not)...
Until next time, I hope you too are inspired to take time to enjoy the things you are inspired by.

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