The tears fell,
And again I wanted to know;
How long?
I miss you so much.
I long to hear your voice,
To hold and hug you.
I long to be able to talk,
To hear what hurts,
The joys, the victories,
Like it used to be
With you gone,
My life is not the same.
Oh how I long
For the opportunity,
To know what separates us.
To hear what can heal,
What you need from me.
My heart will always love you.
My heart will always have that part of you,
That part that is missing,
Until you are a part of it again.
A mother’s love
Can never be removed
For her children.
No matter who or what their child
The child is still hers.
She will always love,
Always long,
To hold them close,
To whisper their name,
To tell them
How much they are loved.
But I pray,
For the sound,
The sight,
The time to rejoice,
When you return.